Culture Survey

  1. Which statement below is how you would describe your culture to a friend?
    a. Friendly and social.
    b. Competitive in our markets.
    c. Collaborative, working mostly in teams.
    d. Innovative, creative, risk taking.
    e. People First & treated as top priority.
    f. Policy and procedure driven.
    g. Eager to try new ways of working.

  2. What do you WISH your culture were more like?
    a. Be friendlier and more social.
    b. More competition.
    c. More collaboration and teamwork.
    d. More innovative, creative, risk taking.
    e. More people first, people as top priority.
    f. More policies and procedure.
    g. Be more eager to try new ways of working.

  3. How do you FEEL about your current culture?
    a. Love it, our culture is great.
    b. I like our culture, and there are some things I think could be better.
    c. Mostly good with our culture, but several things could be improved.
    d. Our culture needs work.
    c. This is the worst culture I have ever experienced, really want out.

  4. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend that a friend or family member apply for a job at your firm?
    10 – Best culture/place I have ever worked, HIGHLY recommend to others.
    9 –
    8 –
    7 – Solid place, some great things about it, other things I would change.
    6 –
    5 – I am neutral, I would not discourage anyone from working here.
    4 –
    3 – Not likely to recommend but depends on the person or situation.
    2 –
    1 – I actively tell others to stay away.

  5. What is the most important element of your workplace culture- think of it as one of the main reasons you stay. Examples of what makes you stay could be: compensation/benefits, teamwork/colleagues, type of environment, kind of work you get to do, independence, accountability, investment in you such as training and education, etc.

  6. How has the Pandemic changed your culture, maybe forever? Think about your space, technology, how you work, where you work, who you work with, the kind of work you are doing, etc.

  7. Are you getting enough feedback on your work including quantitative (amount of work), and qualitative (the quality of your work product)?

  8. How is the flow of information at work TODAY? Do you have enough information to do a good job?
    a. Extremely Clear
    b. Very Clear
    c. Somewhat Clear
    d. Not so Clear
    e. Not at all Clear

  9. Do you have good support to get your work done well, despite the challenges you may be personally facing?
    a. A great deal
    b. A lot
    c. A moderate amount
    d. A little
    e. Not at all

  10. Are you CURRENTLY feeling useful and productive?
    a. A great deal
    b. A lot
    c. A moderate amount
    d. A little
    e. None at all
    f. What would help you feel more productive or useful?

  11. Do you have control over decisions being made today? Decisions about your workload, time management, meetings and communication?
    a. A great deal
    b. A lot
    c. A moderate amount
    d. A little
    f. Not at all

  12. Has your leader(s) set a clear direction, and communicated updates on a regular basis?
    a. Always
    b. Usually
    c. Sometimes
    d. Rarely
    e. Never